Specialized accounting solutions.
Exceptional client experience.

We deliver best in class service while providing value-added accounting solutions, regardless of size or strategy.  


Fort Accounting was founded to bring expertise and accounting solutions to the Asset Management industry.


Our core focus is our clients. With over a combined 20 years of experience providing audit services in the Asset Management industry, we have insight and extensive knowledge of private equity, hedge, credit and real estate funds. We are dedicated to our clients' success and focused on a commitment to quality.


We Listen 

We provide value to our clients through an open and direct dialogue. We are committed to our clients' success through comprehensive advice and collaborative decision-making.

We Execute

We partner with you to execute and create operational efficiencies. Our approach identifies challenges, recognizes sources of value and helps implement improvements. We are responsive, organized and strive to exceed expectations.

Commitment to Quality

With 20+ years in client service, we understand the investors and regulators' demands as well as the level of quality required to succeed. We take pride in surpassing expectations. We are committed to operational efficiency and value creation while refusing to sacrifice quality.


Our Team



Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Tim Black

Anne Conine

Fort Accounting, LLC
P.O. Box 101387
Fort Worth, TX 76185